Windows Phone News: The market share of Windows Phone in China goes to 7% in just two months, thanks to Nokia Lumia 800C


Friday, May 18, 2012

The market share of Windows Phone in China goes to 7% in just two months, thanks to Nokia Lumia 800C

Even in the great China, as it happened in USA, Lumia Nokia devices are getting excellent sales results. As reported by Michel van der Bel , the Vice President of Microsoft, the market share of Windows Phone in China has risen to 7% in just two months , outstripping iPhone share which is stuck at 6%.

It 's certainly a very exciting because it confirms the excellent work done by Nokia and Microsoft to promote their products, but also an encouragement to continue and do better to win the favor of a greater number of Chinese consumers. This will be hard battle but if will brought to fruition will contribute significantly to the recovery of Nokia.
The conditions to continue on this road we are all, especially considering that we are only beginning of evolution of the operating system from Microsoft and Windows 8 will surely further boost to its spread, thanks to future mobile devices Nokia, a brand that China has always enjoyed a good reputation and trust of users.
While there is certainly plenty to do in China, and the disproportionate market share of Android is confirmed, but if these are the premises is not excluded that in a short time can match it or even exceed it. And to achieve this goal Microsoft has deployed a team of 2,500 engineers of their own R & D (research and development) to focus precisely on the Asian market.

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