Windows Phone News: Lenovo denies the rumors on the acquisition of Nokia, meanwhile Nokia’s shares surged more than 17%


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lenovo denies the rumors on the acquisition of Nokia, meanwhile Nokia’s shares surged more than 17%

Gianfrando Lanci, president of Lenovo EMEA, has labeled as a simple twist of the rumors about the alleged cases of purchase of Nokia by his company. These rumors, apparently unfounded, however have helped to increase the value of the shares of the Finnish manufacturer of about 17% , reversing the negative trend of recent quarters. Nokia has not released any official statement about it, but, in light of the eloquent outpourings of vertices of Lenovo, it is evident that it was only a hypothesis without foundation. 
The rumor about the alleged cases of acquisition of Nokia are not a novelty. In recent weeks, including the hypothetical company buyers included Samsung  and Microsoft. The fact so far, defied all the assumptions made ​​in this direction. The acquisition,purely theoretical it might seem plausible if one takes into account the declining value of the stock.This could attract the attention of other market players interested in taking over the company at "affordable" price. 

In practice, however the vertices of Nokia have always denied perspective of this type.
Lenovo, more specifically is unlikely buyer, given that its core business has little to do with the marketing of mobile phones and smartphones. According to some analysts, the company could at worst to establish forms of collaboration with Nokia, which does not involve a real acquisition.
As an aside we note, however that the increase in shareholder value of Nokia can only be read in a positive way. Most malicious might note that this assessment will come by the heads of Nokia, just recently have chosen to expand the capital stock owned buying a million shares of the company .
Source Reuters , Via WMPU

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