Windows Phone News: Telus Canada announced the Tango update for LG Optimus 7 on 20th June,13 July for Nokia Lumia 800!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Telus Canada announced the Tango update for LG Optimus 7 on 20th June,13 July for Nokia Lumia 800!

The Canadian phone operator Telus through a PDF in their official page dedicated to updates, announces the release of Windows Phone Tango "Consumer Mango Refresh 3"  for LG Optimus 7 will arrive Wednesday, June 20.
Not long ago we have reported how the Canadian Operator had announced that June 6th as a release date for Windows Phone Tango for LG Optimus 7 .But Microsoft probably wanted to postpone the release to announce it publicly to "Windows Phone Developer Summit" scheduled on 20 and 21 June.

As for the Nokia 800 Lumia , the operator announced that the release will take place on July 13 , and as we already knew, as well as Windows Phone Tango Nokia will released a new firmware that will fix small bugs and implement internet sharing.


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